
“La Casa di Giorgio”

In order to avoid any complaints and subsequent misunderstandings, please read carefully and take note of B&B’s RULES.
Most of its provisions are simple rules of common decency and respect for people and property.

Check in & Check out

Check in:

  • from 14:00 to 20:00 free
  • from 20:00 to 22.00 € 10,00 extra fee
  • from 22:00 to 24.00 € 20,00 extra fee

Check out: 

  • from 7:00 to 10:00

Arrival time must be agreed in advance with “La Casa di Giorgio” for arrival and departure.

If rooms are not released within 10:30 am. it will be charged 10% of room rate for each additional hour until 5.00 pm. After 5.00 pm. an additional night will be charged.

At check-in is required a valid identification document (identity card or passport); for non-EU citizens is required a valid residence permit or a passport with visa entry.
The minors must present a valid ID; allowed only with identity cards and passports; Minors must be accompanied by parents, in their absence, the accompanist needs a written authorization of both parents (with a copy of their identity document) that authorize the accompanist to stay with minor.

Temporary visitors are not allowed in the room without the manager authorization; if authorized, visitors have to give a valid identification document and pay a supplement.
Failure to comply with this rule will cause the guest expulsion.

On arrival is requested the the city tax payment.
Keys will be delivered on arrival; in case of loss or breakage of the apartment keys, the B&B provide to charge € 20,00 as penalty.

House access is at any time, but building regulation requires SILENCE between 14:00 and 16:00 and 22:00 and 8:00.
However it is always recommended to be careful, having behaviors, activities, games, sounds in order to respect the quiet of all.

A decent dress code is required in public areas; it’s forbidden walk barefoot in the breakfast room.

Pets are not allowed

Each room has a safety box; the B&B is not responsible for unattended items.

The change of room linen takes place every 3 days.

In case of damage of the room items or for extra cleaning due to inappropriate use of the room, the management intends to: evaluate the economic damage
charge € 20,00 for the extra cleaning

Room cleaning is from 10:00 am to 13:30 am; please put the outside the door the appropriate card.
It is allowed to bring food into the B&B from outside, but it’s forbidden eat in room. Eating meals is allowed only in the living room.

For complaints or information, please contact the Manager during office hours.


– The Staff